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Candle Gifts??


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Does anyone routinely receive candles as gifts from people? I got one for Christmas from my sister-in-law. At first I thought it was a gag gift, but it wasn't as I watched my other sister-in-law receive the same gift. Do people not realize that we make our own candles?

Anyway, the gift was an electric tart warmer with a few sets of tarts. So I plugged it in to see how well it did in the bathroom. I plan to use my own tarts in it, but since it came with some I thought I would try them out. I'm not going to name company that made the products, but I will say it's a well known candle name, especially with home parties. Anyway, so I plug it in, and melt the first set of tarts. Not just one, I put the whole six pack out of the clamshell box, because we have a lot of boys in our house using the potty :) I went back a little while later, and I swear I couldn't smell anything!! I know my nose gets a little desensitized when I'm making candles, but I wasn't doing that, and usually I can smell other scents except for what I'm pouring even when I am pouring.

How are these people managing to have continued sales when their product doesn't seem to be any good. The tart warmer certainly did it's job and melted the wax. But the tarts really had no smell at all!! Are they just surviving on their brand name alone?

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Does anyone routinely receive candles as gifts from people? I got one for Christmas from my sister-in-law. At first I thought it was a gag gift, but it wasn't as I watched my other sister-in-law receive the same gift. Do people not realize that we make our own candles?

Anyway, the gift was an electric tart warmer with a few sets of tarts. So I plugged it in to see how well it did in the bathroom. I plan to use my own tarts in it, but since it came with some I thought I would try them out. I'm not going to name company that made the products, but I will say it's a well known candle name, especially with home parties. Anyway, so I plug it in, and melt the first set of tarts. Not just one, I put the whole six pack out of the clamshell box, because we have a lot of boys in our house using the potty :) I went back a little while later, and I swear I couldn't smell anything!! I know my nose gets a little desensitized when I'm making candles, but I wasn't doing that, and usually I can smell other scents except for what I'm pouring even when I am pouring.

How are these people managing to have continued sales when their product doesn't seem to be any good. The tart warmer certainly did it's job and melted the wax. But the tarts really had no smell at all!! Are they just surviving on their brand name alone?

:laugh2: That sounds like my house! My mom has purchased Tarts for me as recently as my last Birthday in April, and I've been making them for the last 2.5 years!

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I don't think people mean any offense when the give candlemakers a store bought candle. Most of the people that do that are clueless as to what to buy for people, or else they appreciate the candles and think you will too, especially since you make them--it will save you the trouble of making your own.

It's kind of like giving a seamstress a store bought blouse. Sure, she can make her own clothes, but sometimes it's just nice not to have to work--you know what I mean? Would it be appropriate for her to balk to the giver if the blouse didn't fit her exactly right? I don't think so--considering the person that gives it isn't an expert in the field, just like the person who gave you the tarts.

Instead of being irritated by it, why not be grateful that you can compare yours to the gift (which costs you nothing) and let it build your confidence if your tarts are better than the gift.

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I received a few candles as gifts this year. New BF and his mother didn't know, but was thoughtful enough to buy me a gift. I used them. Liked one, the other was musty.

As for the tarts you received...some people rely on name brands, not wanting to try handmade products. It's their money they are wasting.

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Well now that you know you sister in law has a tart burner, give her some tarts to test for you LOL. Maybe when she sees how wonderful they are she will buy them from you.

That being said, I really never pushed my products on my family. Actually I gave them to them for gifts often. Especially soap. They love to get soap from me and it is just easier then having them feel they have to buy from me.

I just sent my parents about 12 bars of soap. They loved it, that is enough for me. Just that they appreciate my products.

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My youngest daughter (in elementary school) gets "character bucks" during the holiday season from school for being good. The PTA does it every year for all the kids so they can go to this little shop they have set up and "buy" their families something for Christmas.

Well this year, my so very serious child, thought it was a great gag gift to get mom some candles from this little shop. It was just 2 tealights, but man did we laugh about it!

She got a kick out of being able to pull a gag on mom, and I was ever so greatful she spent her "money" on me!

I thought it was so cute!

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I like the idea of sending her some of my tarts. I think I'll try that out. I actually would have thought it was a gag gift, but knowing her mentality (similar to my husbands), I think that would have been a bit too clever for her to put together. Ah well. I'm certainly using it just see what others are putting out there. I honestly think the packaging of the warmer and the tarts is where they spent more money than in their product, which is too bad since tarts are such an easy thing to add extra fragrance to.

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