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Single Wick Test

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This is a test I did with a single wick in a jar with the following dimensions Rim: 3-5/16"

Base: 3-15/16"

Height: 4-1/8"

I initially took pictures periodically throughout each burn but I had some computer issues and lost those pictures. No burn was less than 4 hours in length. My conclusions with the wicks I tested is that you are better off to double wick a jar this size for a consistent and clean burn.

I did not add any scent or color - I don't color my candles anyway. The first 2 pictures are my candle that I wicked with HTP 1212 (I incorrectly labled my pictures). It has quite a bit of hang-up on one side and you can't see through the jar on any side due to the wax hang-up. I don't believe this would be a good wick to single wick this jar with especially if you add color and/or FO.

The next 2 jars are wicked with a 62 C. It actually did better than I thought but did leave some hang-up and you can't really see the jar through the wax. I also think this one would not work well especially with the addition of color and/or FO.

The next 3 are wicked with an HTP 1312. This one did the best of all and actually left a fairly clean jar from what I was expecting. You can see through the wax on the sides of the jar with this one The flame during each burn though was quite the torch no matter how I trimmed the wick. However, it did not leave any soot and I think that if you added color and/or FO, there would be more hang-up to the point that for me, it would not be acceptable.

I hope to do this again with other wicks.








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I wanted to add the reason I did this test. I did the test after having a discussion with a few members on this board that believe in single wicking a jar that is over 3 inches in diameter with soy. Believe it or not, I did this test months and months ago but I had issues with my camera, life, procrastination. You know how it goes.

I also tested a CD 22 and the results were close to the HTP 1312. But, I accidentally broke the jar and could not post those pictures. :sad2: Anyway, I believe that you can not single wick a jar that size with soy and get a consistently even burn; it is better to DW. I think my results show me that its best to DW and while with some wicks you can come pretty close to a clean burn, the addition of color and/or FO would change that. But, I do realize there are other wicks I did not test; and these are the results from my wax blend.

Sorry that I did not explain last night. I was in a hurry while doing this because I was on the phone. We are on baby watch and I was getting an update on the mama to be's contractions, mood, etc. A new baby in the family will be so wonderful!!!

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Congrats with the news of soon to be arrival. I hope and pray that he/she will be healthy and that mom has an easy delivery.:wink2:

I'm inclined to agree you. I'm just curious what is the melt point of your wax? And you mention soy blend, is it pure soy or blended with any paraffin?

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Congrats with the news of soon to be arrival. I hope and pray that he/she will be healthy and that mom has an easy delivery.:wink2:

I'm inclined to agree you. I'm just curious what is the melt point of your wax? And you mention soy blend, is it pure soy or blended with any paraffin?

Were hoping the baby comes today and from all signs, it looks like it could be today. But its the first baby and you know how it can go with first babies. Mom to be is uncomfortable, miserable, grumpy and ready to be done with being PG. Poor thing. I do feel for her.

It's my own blend so hard to figure out MP; my main wax has a MP of 125 thoguh. I don't use paraffin.

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That is the exact jar that I tried (w/o success) :angry2: to single wick. Just started 2nd round of testing DWing them, using cd wicks and Stella's method of testing (just poured yesterday, no burning yet)


PS best wishes on the new addition to your family!

Thank you. Mama to be is in the hospital and dialated to a 9 last I was updated. This will be my great nephew.

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Before I gave up on single wicking, I sure would try a CDN 22 or so... :smiley2: Works for me! :)

Yeah that is one of the wicks I've yet to try. It's on my list to try and I did get some in for that purposd. But I still think you should DW a jar this size or larger - especially if you add FO and dye.

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LX30's have worked for me for years.

Years ago, I tested the LX's but for some reason, I did not like them. I'd have to drag out my notes to see what it was I did not like about them. I think I still have a bag of 30's around my shop somewhere.

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