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Suggestions for Names?


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I have been making melts/tarts for personal use and gifts for about 6-8 weeks now with great success. I quickly fell in love with this hobby! I have enjoyed reading here - I have devoured most of this forum and the archives trying to learn more.

I don't plan to turn this into a business - It's a hobby to give me a creative outlet and make my home smell good :) My sister suggested possibly selling them at our RV park's craft fair this summer and with that idea in mind, I am thinking of possible names for packaging purposes. I would like the word "Ladybug" to be in the name (I collect ladybugs) and I only do melts/tarts, wickless, and smelly jellies.

Also - in regards to insurance, how important do you think insurance is when dealing with melts/tarts and selling only occassionally?

I know this question may irritate some - I've read plenty of "I'm new and ready to sell" posts! I certainly don't mean to sound that way at all. It will be several more months before I have tested and narrowed down the scents I would want to keep, but I am also an overplanner and would like to have my "ducks in a row" just in case.

I really appreciate the wealth of knowledge that I have found on CT. Thanks in advance for your help!

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Insurance is top priority no matter what you sell or how much of it. What if an outside melter explodes with YOUR tart in it and the company claims it was your tart?

I'm the same way as you in overplanning - I started threads, before making clear it was for planning purposes. Now, I'm making very clear selling a new item was way off, but I like to have a year's worth planned out.

As for names:

Ladybug's Fantasy

Ladybug Landing (no one says it has to pertain directly to what you are selling, general is sometimes the better option)

Ladybug Productions

A Lil Bit by Ladybug (only if you want to possibly become known as the Ladybug chick)

Ladybug Lights

Ladybug's Lifter Uppers (may be too cutesy, but I know a lot go for it)

Ladybug's Lots

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Thanks for the suggestions so far!!! I've been polling friends, family, coworkers, family's coworkers - anyone within reach :)

What do you guys think of the name "Spots and Dots"? kind of whimsical, general enough for any expansion...

Thanks in advance :)

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Thanks for the suggestions so far!!! I've been polling friends, family, coworkers, family's coworkers - anyone within reach :)

What do you guys think of the name "Spots and Dots"? kind of whimsical, general enough for any expansion...

Thanks in advance :)

Makes me think of a dog wash service.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You say you don't want to start a business.. but that is what selling is. Get a tax id number and collect and pay the sales tax. Many promoters are turning in a list of their vendors to the tax authorities. You don't want them to have your info and you not have collected and paid the right sales tax. Also recommend the insurance and an accountant to give advice. I have used my business to offset my husbands income and reduce our tax liability. If you are going to go through the trouble of selling a product.. might as well get some of the benefits as well.

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I should have been more clear in my original post. I mean that this is a hobby only and I do not plan for this ever to be a full-time business as many of you have. In fact, much of what I make is for gifts and *if* I get into selling, it would be at our campground's "garage sale" (for lack of a better word) that is held each spring. I would rather give the stuff away simply because that's more my personality and it makes me happy to help others, but I know I need to recoup some costs somewhere.

I hope that clears up any confusion!

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