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So Im pouring a ton of candles today for upcoming shows and everything is normal and 4 batches in a row all 100% alabaster soy, as soon as I put the fo in 1.5 oz per pd of wax, it was already solidifying up, I had to pour it, but of course it was still hot so it took a long time for the wax to cool in the jar which made the jar look awful to make things worse the cold throw is awful I can bearly smell the fragerence and these fos always gave off a excellent fragrance. and all of them have air bubbles, I am sooo scared that its the wrong wax, however Im freaking out pls help!:cry2:

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I can't really help you at all but have you used the same wax and fragrance oils before? Really sounds strange to me?? I don't know of any wax that solidifies at that temp?????? WOW, weird! You'll need to call the company you received the wax from.

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I know its so weird, yes its the same fos and wax ive used for 3 years, I thoght maybe my thermometer was screwed up and I was putting in the fo to cool but once in the jar it took way longer to cool, which would make me thinkthat it was oured too hot, im thinking maybe a a fan or air was on it making the top cool before the rest but i didnt change anything like that through out the first half of my candle making which was fine?!

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I know its so weird, yes its the same fos and wax ive used for 3 years, I thoght maybe my thermometer was screwed up and I was putting in the fo to cool but once in the jar it took way longer to cool, which would make me thinkthat it was oured too hot, im thinking maybe a a fan or air was on it making the top cool before the rest but i didnt change anything like that through out the first half of my candle making which was fine?!

Same batch number for wax? We learned real quick to test different batches. We went to a new batch and ohhh crap was it totally different, so different we will NOT use it. might want to check that. LeeAnn~

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I realize that you have to test diff batches however this is more than a little different or a little fluxuaiton, soy wax should not solidify at 160 degrees

Exactly what I am saying...the last wax we tried absolutly acted so far off...it was unreal. So in saying that...maybe its not you...its the wax. LeeAnn~

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