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Anybody use a pressure cooker?

Tall Blonde

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I was reading on the Dish about using a pressure cooker for lotions. It sounds great and easy, but I wonder about cleaning. Pressure cookers are generally aluminum. So how would you clean it? Wouldn't bleach corrode the aluminum? Or would it be in too small a percentage to corrode? Or would you use some other type of cleaner/sanitzer? I'm all for finding easier ways of making lotion, but I'd like to know more about the process first.

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I thought about this just today so very interesting to dig up this post. My thought was that a pressure cooker would be good for the water phase at keeping your water temp constant at 170 degrees for 20 mins. I have been told that they are great for killing germs and bacteria though almost like an autoclave. I wonder if it will work for that purpose???

Editted to add: We recently got a new cook top stove. Last night it popped into my head that the burner does not stay on constantly like my old gas range. So I did a test of water temperature and sure enough its not holding a constant temperature at boiling. And the difference seems to go as high as 20 degrees. Like I have to boil and hold at 190 to keep the 170. Now with the pressure cooker it has a temp gauge on it but now that I thought more about it, with nothing other than water in it, that could be a lil explosive. Then I thought about the Presto pot and wondered if it could be used to maintain a steady boil at 170. Any thoughts? I do not have a Presto yet so I cannot test it myself.

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I did this yesterday!! But I have a water loss problem... I think... The original recipe says it shoudl be enough to fill 4 8 ounce bottles, and there IS 32 ounces of lotion-exactly...

I added up all the ingredients from the recipe and it should weigh 982.5 but it weighs 747 grams... that is about an 8 ounce loss of water... did I do something wrong or do you really lose that much water to a pressure cooker?

I did the Sammi Janette's First Try from MMS but swapped a few things because I discovered that the bottle of Almond I thought I had was actually Avocado..and I didnt have enough so I added some shea and some Jojoba.

This is the original recipe:

2.5 Grams citric acid

30 grams liquid glycerin

40 grams stearic acid

50 grams e wax

200 grams sweet almond oil

660 grams water

plus preservative and fragrance.

I did:

2.5 grams citric acid

30 grams liquid glycerin

40 grams stearic

50 grams e wax

145 grams avocado oil

25 grams shea

30 grams jojoba

400 grams water

260 grams of aloe juice

so... I am assuming some of the weight loss is from whatever is leftover in the pot (I didn't scrape...) and the rest is water...

Do I just heat and hold 8 more ounces of water and stickblend it in? Or can I use straight distilled? Or should I just go with it and see a thick cream?

ACK! first times are always nerve wracking wink.gif

This morning it's thickened up A LOT now that it's cooled down... I didn't add preservative or fragrance yet because I didn't know how much to do or what to do with the water...

can I gently reheat it and add the preservative according to the weight it is now? Or can I add extra heated and holded at 176 degree water and add the right percentage then?

my friend who is a pressure cooker pro ;) she uses hers like 3 times a week for cooking ;) She says it looks like the seal was just a bit dry from not being used for a long time-its an older one with a brand new seal and top seal thing.... so I am thinking next time I might not lose so much water? its worth a shot, anyways, I suppose.

and it doesn't rock :( it just releases a teeny bit of steam at the top...

well, experimenting is fun.. I just need to get more oil today...

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Well I thought about and read somemore about using the pressure cooker and I think I will experiment with this method BUT I will buy a newer one with the safety top like the Fagor model. As for the water loss, I think what I will try is before my actual batch maybe do some water in the pressure cooker first and see how much I lose and maybe keep that as reserve in case I lose some after cooking the batch?

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