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I'm FINALLY back home (dc) from Texas and was able to do a few things on yesterday...yeah me!

So here is what i did on last night! i'm extra excited b/c the materials are synthetic and i figured out how to make it work! (when it really shouldn't work at all) It took a lot of tries but....it was worth it!

These are little tote bags for girls that measure 5.3/4 both ways..... perfect for carrying lip gloss, small stuffed animal or whatever knick-knacks they manage to come up with for a day out!

Rockin good time


Girly skull and bones


Love Rules


For the love of Cupcakes!


row of colors!


And this was a party favor order i did a few days ago! I was super excited about this!

Polymer clay cupcake keychains and gift boxes!


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Okay, I have got to ask. How do you keep the polymer clay from picking up your finger prints. I was thing about trying latex gloves but hadn't had a chance.

some people use latex gloves ..it works but man do your hands start sweating after awhile

you can always sand your pieces with fine grade sand paper after they are baked or dust your finger tips with baby powder or cornstarch, even wetting your fingers with water helps

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