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Well, I am not extremely great at it but sometimes they don't look so bad :). My question is, most of my swirls pretty much stay towards the top of the soaps and I have seen some gorgeous soaps that the swirls are completely through. How do you get swirls all the way through the soap?

There is one that I found on a website (I think it was a Canadian one) and her swirls were breathtaking.


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The higher you hold the container of colored soap from the main batch as you pour the further down into the batter it goes , and the closer you hold it the more it stays on top

Hope the made sense ! :embarasse

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My main problem when I first started out was waiting too long. Thin to mediium trace works better for those wispy swirls.

Also, using a Kelsei divider mold helps with 'dragging' those swirls down the sides of the bars.

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