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Hello all,

I have been thinking about trying some beeswax in my wax blend. My problem is I have NO idea about beeswax. There are many different kinds and I am not sure which is commonly used as an additive for candles.

There is refined, natural unrefined, yellow, white. I am so confused.

Can someone please point me in the right direction?? :confused:



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Unrefined is beeswax in its purest form, including all the natural debris (that will likely clog a wick). It will vary in color & scent depending on the source. Refined has been filtered. Yellow is natural coloring & white has been bleached. I've used yellow & white, but didn't notice any difference.

What do you hope to achieve by using beeswax as an additive? I used it to make a harder soy candle, but have ditched it since using a soy/paraffin blend. I've heard from some suppliers, who have tested beeswax in their blends, that it will bind the fo & give you less throw -- doesn't seem to be recommended for the blends. It's a great additive, but you really need to know what you want to achieve & test for results.


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Thanks Susan.... I really didn't have a goal in mind as much as I was going to experiment.

I know people use beeswax and figured I'd give it a try. I am still working on my blend. I might add it to my pure soy and see what I get. Just kickin' ideas around.

Again, thank you for the info. I really appreciate it! :smiley2:

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I have used both white and natural colored refined BW pastilles in NatureWax C3. I don't see any difference between the two other than color. While beeswax helped smooth the texture of the wax and the candletops, it does nothing for frosting issues or scent throw and if too much is used, will cause cracking. 1/2 tablespoonful per pound of wax seems to be a good workable amount for C3. When I increased the amount to 1 T. PP, cracking occurred. HTH :)

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