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Rookie question...remelting wax

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Okay experts, I've got a question:

Yesterday I tried to make 18 16oz candles. Using Ecosoya CBA (first time). Heated to 155 (a couple got to 170) and poured between 125-120 (a couple I tried at 100 just for fun). Didn't seem to matter appearance wise which temp - some worked at higher pours and some worked at lower pours (same scents and dye). I have a couple that have a deep circle crack about 1inch all the way around the wick, and a couple that have a crack around the candle 1/2 way down.

I BELIEVE the main problem is the room was too cool for them to harden, so next time I will put them in a room with a controlled temp (is 75 a good temp?). It boggles my mind how 2 candles poured exactly the same way can harden so differently!

My main question (I realize I've kinda asked a couple already!) is when I remelt the wax, am I doing anything bad to the candle (ie throwing off the scent throws) or should it work pretty much the same as one of the candles I made that hardened nicely? (Yes, I will test them myself, just thought I might get a couple of expert opinions if possible!!)


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I also use the CBA, though this in not an "expert" opinion as I am pretty new also. When I am testing and need to remelt I either chunk the wax out of the container (more than 1 or 2) and remelt in one pour pot. This is actually easier than it sounds as the wax is very easy to work with. If it is only 1 or 2, I set the container on my candle warmer and let it remelt for me. As long as you don't take the wax above 190* and leave it there the manufacturer says it is no problem. I have not run across a problem yet.

As far as cooling, on a rack for even air flow is good. If you want to stay in your cooler room you can cover the candles with a box to help them cool slower.

HTH, Good luck with your candles


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