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I had a craft fair this past weekend...

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My show was on Friday and Saturday, this is the second year I have done this particular craft fair which is located in a local mall.

Candle sales were good and my bath and body seemed to show a pretty big increase since last year. Although I was happy with what I made, sales overall were definately down from last year. Almost everybody I talked to at the fair said the same thing. I guess people are feeling the crunch this year from price increases on everything under the sun.

But I had a really good time, got to spend some time with my mom, favorite aunt and dd. My little girl is quite a trooper, she is only 3, she spent both days at the craft fair with me and was so good, you hardly even knew she was there. I'd bet we walked 200 miles over the course of 2 days around and around the mall. The three of us took turns walking with her, she really enjoyed the live bluegrass music most of all. She would stand out in the hallway and dace, everyone that passed by got such a kick out of her.

Last year she and ds stayed home with dh both days, but she is now going through a stage where she doesn't want to leave my side and I am the only one that can do anything for her. I really enjoy it, but for her sake, I hope she outgrows it soon. I don't want her to suffer any separation anxiety if every I should have to be away from her.

DS stayed with dh and they went Christmas shopping. Yay! Can't wait to see what they picked up. Well anywho, here are pics please let me know what you think.






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