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Bert's Holly Berry


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Need some help renaming Bert's Holly Berry. I have several customers that swear this scent smells like Hobby Lobby and would love for me to carry it all year. I think it's a great idea, however, I'm at a loss for a name. I'm pretty sure I can't use the "HObby Lobby" idea, but something similar would be cool. I've been thinking for days, but just can't seem to come up with anything. Anyway, anyone got any ideas????

BTW, Bert, You Rock! Can't wait till the day after Thanksgiving.



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I think she wants something year round.. honestly, do you really need to change the name for the non-holidays to sell it? because as you change the name, are people going to know what it smells like? I would just rename it at Christmas to give it more of a Holiday sound like Christmas Holly...

first-the description of holly berry is: Fresh Holly with a touch of plump red berries.

Available in both evergreen and deciduous species, holly is grown for its toothed glossy green leaves and its showy berries, which are red in most popular varieties

"Country Craft Shoppe" lol-i know that isn't quite it, but sometimes you can get an idea from different words...

Cozy Craft Shoppe-I guess I think cozy when I walk into hobby lobby and smell their good scents-like walking by a fragrant booth at a craft show.

Showy Berries

Fresh Holly Berries

Berry Nice

That's all I have... In my opinion, I'd keep Holly Berry year round and rename it at Christmas Time....

good luck, hopefully someone else will come up with good names. I try-but I suck at it!!

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