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Wicking a palm candle with 8 oz metro

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Thanks, Sharon, I just happen to have a few of those CD14s. :)

Can I take out the wick? I know with soy I could, but with palm, it's much harder, so I'm not sure if I can take needle-nose pliers and rip out the wick to test another....

Otherwise, that's a lot of wax to dig out and remelt...

I'm such a newbie when it comes to palm wax!

Oh and by the way, hows the hot throw when wicked with CD14?


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What a mess... I tried to get the wick out, managed with needle-nosed pliers, then couldn't figure out how to get the new wick in... took a heat gun to the wax and then tried to stick the wick into the wax... disaster!!!!!!!!!!!

The glass cracked , flew across my workspace and onto the floor, spilling all over my foot, the floor, hitting me in the leg. :cry2:

Needless to say, I won't be doing that again...:undecided

How the heck do you experiment with different wicks in palm if you can't take the wicks out and put new ones in?

Today, after peering at what was left over of the jar (the top had cracked off, part that had been clear of wax because of the prior burning w/the other wick), I realized maybe I could have used a screw and screwdriver to make a new hole. Grr.... could have saved the damned jar...

Makes me mad as this was the only metro I have. :angry2:

Sigh... :embarasse

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I use palm wax straight with 1 tbsp/lb stearic acid in pillars. I use cotton wicking. the square braid #1/0 in 3in diameter pillars. It burns very slow, and the edges are paper thin as it burns...very artistic. There is a picture on my site in the Gallery...hope you can find a way to do it in jars. The wax is so pretty I think the pillars really show it off. Maybe if you used a wick pin inverted into the glass you'd get a hole you could fiddle with a bit easier. When you pulled out the wick with pliers you might be able to reform the hoel with the pin. Maybe add soy to blend with it so it's softer? Good luck!

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