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newbie interested in lotion/soap making


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Hi I am trying to get into lotion / soap makeing and don't know where to start I would like to start a business with this any advice on where to go on the web or ideals. Also do you have to have some type of insurance or FDA certification in the case of someone having a allergic reaction or skin irritation

I am interested in making hair conditioners/lotions and soaps


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The best advice I can give you is to spend many hours perusing this board. Read everything here you can find. Use the search function at the top of the board to search for specific things that you are interested in. You will find that nearly every subject under the sun is here concerning candles, soap, and bath and body products. Yes, you do need insurance. there are a bazillion threads on this board covering that issue.. you will find all of that info and more. Have fun! Good Luck! And when you're done reading, if you have more questions there are tons of people here who will try to answer those for you.

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Research is your best friend :D

Firstly, decide what you want to try first, then read as much as you can about it. For example, for lotions a simple search on google with terms like "lotionmaking", "make your own lotion", "how to make lotion", or "lotion recipes" will give you a mountain of information.

After you're done with the basic tutorials, go through this board, and read... if possible... everything! There are a lot of side questions asked along the years here that aren't covered in basic tutorials, and reading through them will help you.

For things like insurance, etc, read through the "Business Section" of this board. I live in Malaysia, so I can't help you there :)

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