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Somali Rose FO from MMS...

beau's mama

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I have it and it's wonderful! I can't smell any chocolate in there at all but I know they mention it in the description. Extreemely hard to describe, definitely manly and unique. I smell rose, spices, light mint, earthy and clean...you really just have to try it and see! :) I haven't done anything with mine yet so I have no idea how it's like in products.


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It is definitely a woodsy rose... I don't smell chocolate in it either. It's not a sweet floral like regular rose... it's more deep, and earthy. Just think of a heavy, woodsy, spicy rose... and that is Somali Rose. Somewhat masculine... but I haven't had one male customer like this. LOL I've never CP'ed it, but I've added it to body cream. It's a slow mover for me. It doesn't sell quite well, but I have a few customers who buy it often, I keep it around just for them. :D

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Yeah, that script was throwing me off. Go put it in something so you can report back! LOL

Creative, the fact that you said you haven't had one male like this scent, let's me know it may be PERFECT for DH LOL. He doesn't like most scents that other men like.

Oh well, off to compile my MMS fo list...after I finish my OT order:D

Thanks for the replies!

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I have Somali Rose and I love it. My brother really likes it, too. I must have a weird sniffer, because I don't smell any kind of a rose, whether it be earthy, spicy or otherwise, and I smell abslutely no chocolate whatsoever. To me, it's just a real nice, pleasant man scent that can double as a fresh, earthy unisex scent. When I smell it, my mind imagines a desert oasis or something, so that's what I call it instead of Somali Rose.


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