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Wickless Layers?

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I did a huge 32 oz (quart) mason jar once. I scented it with like 5 different scents & colors. The top was ocean, had cranberry citrus in it, strawberry rhubarb, and a couple other ones I don't remember. This one had wicks in it, though-

To make a long story short, the ocean, normally one of my favorites, mixed in with the citrus scent and I did not like it at all.

The colors came out nice but when melted blended together to make a yucky light brown color.

A friend of mine had me make her a wickless with four different colors. It came out beautiful, but she never planned on burning it. I used one scent at her request.

If you are going to try it, I'd start with a small container and see how it goes.

Hope this helps a bit.


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Guest Candelishis

I've also tried to do layered wickless, and when it melts, the colors and scents all run together. If you do one with different shades of the same color (ie red, pink, marroon), they look ok after melting, but they smell kinda funky, depending on the mix of scents. I won't do it anymore unless it's similar colors and one scent, just because the colors all combine and the scents run together. They look pretty until the first melt, but after that you might as well just have made a one-color candle.

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I do layered wicked candles and I also make a lot of wickless but haven't layered any of those yet. I've thought about it because, yes, I have no doubt it can be done. You would just want to pick colors that, when all melted together, still look appealing. I can't wait to see your creation! I hope you post photos when you've done one.

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