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Thoughts on new packaging


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I am in the process of trying a newly designed label for my soap bars. My previous lables were done in word and were quite homely and cheesy looking. I did these in avery design pro. The difference is night and day between what I had before. Any thoughts on how to make these better? Granted the picture is somewhat out of focus and the logo width needs to be adjusted a bit but the general idea is here.

fyi I am not new to making soap hence the low batch numbers. I started selling a year ago.I am new to doing batch numbers lol.

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Purdy soaps and labels! Wish I could see more of the soap though. Is there a way to make your entire label narrower to show more, or maybe instead a sticker on the front with logo/info and a separate label on the back for ingredients?

Maybe add Premium Handmade Soap instead of just premium soap?

I'm probably wrong on this ingredient thing, but is it necessary to list the sodium hydroxide since it's really no longer in there? I believe I read on the FDA guidelines, that soap has some type of exemption from other cosmetic labeling requirements. You should probably ingnore this input from me though since I'm nearly a soap virgin...well almost, made one batch of hot process that spewed over onto my counters...:D

Maybe someone will come along with more knowledge on this point. Good luck with your selling!

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Thanks guys. I hate the words saponified oils so much that I list the sodium hydroxide. I do not believe I am wrong in doing so as I have studied the labeling laws. Not listing it would make me very uncomfortable. I have the same ingredient listing on my site because I hate to see soap sites wtihout ingredient lists. I will go back and resize my custom template. It's easy to do this with a custom template there.

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