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brand new to B&B some questions


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I am brand new to B&B except for a few bath bombs I have made, any way I ordered the bases from linsey the shea lotion base and the seha/job lip balm, and had a few questions if you don't mind. First when I mix the lotion base with water and add the scent what is the best way to get it into containers with the pump? Also, can you use the lip balm base in pots or not? Any other helpful info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!!!


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Are you sure you mix your lotion base with water? You should just be able to scent and color it and go. You might want to read the instructions just to be sure.

We use a smoothie blender to fill our lotion tubes up with. Before that, we used large animal medicine syringes to fill our containers. You can get them at feed stores or farm and ranch stores. I'm sure other places as well, but that is where we bought them.

You can put your lip balm base in any type of container you choose.

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What I do is get a large (gallon size) ziplock bag (and be sure to sterilize the bag, just to be safe), fill it with the lotion, zip it close & snip the corner of the bag. Gently squeeze the lotion into the bottle. Be sure to tap the bottle to move the lotion down and force any air bubbles to the surface. You can always use a piping bag but the ziplock is alot cheaper.

Don't squeeze too hard or your lotion will end up everywhere but the bottle.

good luck, B&B is very addicting:cool2:



I am brand new to B&B except for a few bath bombs I have made, any way I ordered the bases from linsey the shea lotion base and the seha/job lip balm, and had a few questions if you don't mind. First when I mix the lotion base with water and add the scent what is the best way to get it into containers with the pump? Also, can you use the lip balm base in pots or not? Any other helpful info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!!!


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I use a solution of water with a little bleach (I use 1 tablespoon to a gallon and have never had a problem), and make sure that anything that could come in contact with the lotion is wiped down. Most of the time you won't have a problem, but just one time is all it will take to give you bad P.R.. When I make a large batch for sale, I make sure to randomly select a tube/jar and test it for mold and yeast, you can use the Chek-it lab in a box from http://www.snowdriftfarm.com/chek-it.html , if it passes, then it goes up for sale

Have fun, You'll love every moment :D



How do you sterilize a zip lock bag?


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