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how to get this pillar to burn right?

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I am doing a cinnamon bun pillar candle and of course at the top of it, it is like a 1 in. accross and at the bottom it is 3.5 in. across, when i first light it it the wax just comes right off it and all over the plate i set it upon, and if I get the wick small enough to make this better it will just tunnel and fizzle out in the middle of the candle, pls help. btw im using ky natural votive pillar wax, and the wicks i have used are htp 104, eco 8, eco 6 and i have htp 73 but i think it wont be hot enough middle way thru the candle.

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There is no way you are going to be able to wick something that is only 1 inch across at the beginning and widens out to 3 inches!!!!! It's not possible. Maybe I am not picturing your pillar correctly, but my cinnamon buns only raise up a bit in the middle - I wick for the 3.5 inch part and let the top melt down into the middle. Mine leaves a 1/2 shell but that is what keeps the melt pool inside and not draining all over the place. Maybe if you showed us a picture? That is why many candle makers don't use urn jars, but even they don't go from mini opening to mega opening!

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