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WSP Moisturizing Mist


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Has anyone tried this before? I'm interested in making a body spray and was wondering what's the best thing to use? This seems to have a lot of good reviews on their site.

If this is not a good choice - I'm also thinking about trying Easy Lotion Multibase from Cajun Candles ... does anyone use a product like this? It can be as thick as a body cream then just add water and it becomes lotion add a little more water it's body milk and yet more water makes it body mist.

Help please!!! Really want to order one of these products this week.


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I've been using it for over a year & like it alot. The only thing I will say is that I find I have to go over the .5%-1% FO load with almost all FO's. I usually have to scent at about 2%, sometimes higher. Also, remember to shake well before each use in case of separation. Do a search here on this board using "WSP" or "Luxury Mist", etc...& you'll see quite a few threads on this product. I really do like this mist. I remember some people saying it felt sticky, but I don't find that & I've asked people who have used my sprays & they don't find it too sticky. The only negatives I ever got about it was that the scent was too light, BUT that was before I knew to go up on the FO load. Now they are strong enough. The only other negative I got was that one person said that they had to re-spritz during the day. It didn't last all day long. BUT that is to be expected because this is not an alcohol based perfume, this is a Mist/Splash. Other than that, people love the mists I make with this! HTH

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People here referred me to the Candle Maker's Store and I will do the same for you.

I used WSP prior to candlemaker's and found it to be sticky. With Candlemaker's that isn't an issue. Also, if you sign up for their email they send you email only specials and sometimes have it on sale.

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Thanks for the info!

Sockmonkey, I will check them out also on pricing and shipping.

I may still order from Cajun also since they are near me just to see how this product works out. Just seems like a strange thing ... can be lotion and also mist just by adding more water! :confused:

Have a great day!

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