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What B&B stuff to make w/ a cookie press?

beau's mama

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Hope I'm posting in the right spot :grin2:

I have a cordless Wilton cookie press...don't know why I have it :confused: cause I generaly make drop cookies.

What B&B stuff can I make w/ it? Bath bombs? Anything?

I'm usually good at using items for multiple things, but I'm blank right now...getting ready for a 10-home garage sale...my brain is fried!

I hate to sell it if I can use it to make something other than cookies!


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I've used mine for CP soap before. Super thick trace and you have to work fast but it's something fun and different if you're bored.

Also, you can grate up your MP soap into little tiny bits, and I really mean tiny bits, like run it through the salad shooter several times, mix it with a super tiny bit of water (just a drop or two to bind it together) and feed it through the discs for embeds. Of course, this only works if you have enough pressure behind it to force it back together again. I've had more failures than successes but it's fun to play.

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