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Massage Candles they are safe and romantic.

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Actually, I have bought some from a lady that sells them and it is like a solid but soft lotion that burns like a candle. It comes in several fragrances. I would have gotten the recipe from her but she has moved away to Atlanta. The candle when burning, melts and you can pour it over your body. It is as warm as a baby's lukewarm bath water. It feels like baby oil w/ lotion mixed. I've tried it and it is safe, edible, and romantic.:grin2:

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Ya, I don't think I will be eating anything that has wax in it!!! :tiptoe:

I make peanut butter balls that are dipped in chocolate and in order to get the chocolate to stay put and not slide off the balls I use Gulf Wax. So, as this is a common ingredient in getting chocolate to stick to things, you have probably eaten this wax and not realized it :grin2:


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i won't sell something like this because all it takes is one idiot to dip their hands in while it's lit, catch their sleeve on fire, then sue; or worse...die.

better to make a small wickless for the warmer, or small tarts to melt in an electric warmer...like the clamshell tarts.

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Actually, I have bought some from a lady that sells them and it is like a solid but soft lotion that burns like a candle. It comes in several fragrances. I would have gotten the recipe from her but she has moved away to Atlanta. The candle when burning, melts and you can pour it over your body. It is as warm as a baby's lukewarm bath water. It feels like baby oil w/ lotion mixed. I've tried it and it is safe, edible, and romantic.:grin2:

So what is the point behind the original post? Is there a question or a comment? It's a strange statement on its own.

ETA: Nevermind, I just found this post over in the candle/lotion thread, although not sure why it was used here to start another.

This subject has been brought up and discussed dozens of times here, a search will reveal. General opinion is that they are a bad idea. Too many unknowns (fragrance oils vs. edible oils, the hot wax/burn/fire issue, skin safe oils and/or dyes, etc) and too many people throw these together to make a quick buck and really don't know, or care to know, what they're doing.

And yes, we all have probably consumed wax at some point, it's used on many foods we buy every day, but the quantity is miniscule, and it must be an FDA approved wax fit for consumption. Not all waxes, soy or paraffin, are safe to injest, and I wouldn't take the chance. Maybe the big-boys I would trust, but not most unknown independents unless I've really done my research on them and trust them and their ingredients.

But, I still think they're a bad idea.

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Yes, it is edible and it comes in several scents. It is safe and has been used by several people I know (including myself). It came with a warning sign on it and of course it is only used by adults. If you do a search, you will find that it is sold but there is no recipe and that is my reason for asking if anyone knows about it. I see that I am not the only one that have inquired about it. Here in Columbus, Ohio a lady that moved to Atlanta, GA used to sell them. I first bought one in 1994 and recently I bought some a couple of months ago. I did not get to get the recipe before she left. A few of my friends also tried them and they tried it as a massage oil/lotion with their mate and they enjoyed it in many ways. They would like to buy some more and thats what made me decide to make them myself.

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Thank you, people just don't know half of what they are eating but this is really turning into a question where I asked people that are not interested. The question was for the people that knows how to make them and/or interested in making them.

I make peanut butter balls that are dipped in chocolate and in order to get the chocolate to stay put and not slide off the balls I use Gulf Wax. So, as this is a common ingredient in getting chocolate to stick to things, you have probably eaten this wax and not realized it


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Too each its own. Whether I choose to make them for myself and friends or to sell them. I still would like to know how to make them. Here in Columbus, Ohio they do sell but I like them for myself and so does my friends. Columbus must be a little faster than some places. As for a quick buck -- no, not necessary.

So what is the point behind the original post? Is there a question or a comment? It's a strange statement on its own.

ETA: Nevermind, I just found this post over in the candle/lotion thread, although not sure why it was used here to start another.

This subject has been brought up and discussed dozens of times here, a search will reveal. General opinion is that they are a bad idea. Too many unknowns (fragrance oils vs. edible oils, the hot wax/burn/fire issue, skin safe oils and/or dyes, etc) and too many people throw these together to make a quick buck and really don't know, or care to know, what they're doing.

And yes, we all have probably consumed wax at some point, it's used on many foods we buy every day, but the quantity is miniscule, and it must be an FDA approved wax fit for consumption. Not all waxes, soy or paraffin, are safe to injest, and I wouldn't take the chance.
the big-boys I would trust, but not most unknown independents unless I've really done my research on them and trust them and their ingredients.

But, I still think they're a bad idea.

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