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Playing with Gel

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No, I'm not into making candles, but did want to play with the high density gel. it measures only 3 inches diameter and 1 1/2 inches tall. The white speckles are where the soy wax over flowed the tea light cup and touched the gel… strange, I didn’t think it would do that. I think I made it worse by trying to clean it off.

Suggestions? Input? Yea? Nay? Think they will make good gifts for the inlaws?

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It's very pretty....is the outside the high density gel? Have you burned the inside tealight to see how the gel stands up to the heat? Over time, I would think that if the rose is gel, it's going to get pretty dusty. Just thinking...:tiptoe:

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Yes, the outside is high density gel (Penreco Gel Candle Wax CHP). The tea light is EcoSoya CB-Pure Soy) I did burn one, and the gel seemed to stand up to it, at least its didn't melt or even seem to get soft. The high density gel melts at something like 160F (pour at 180F to 200F) accordeing to the paper it came with (I'll have to find it to verify) but the soy (which I had on hand as I use it to make lotion bars) melts at about 120F. My logic is that with 40 degrees F difference, even if the soy wax manages to heat to 140F (unlikely) it is still well below the melt point of the gel wax. Testing seems to have proven my logic sound.

As for dust, well, I have tested that as well, though it wasn't part of the plan. We have 200 lbs of fuzzy monster children, who shed... a LOT. After I made these I set them on the cart with intentions of putting them in boxes that evening, and got distacted for about 2 weeks. When I finally got around to it they were coated in pet fur. So I ran them under cool water. after words the consistancy seemed.. well... mushy, but after a few hours they dryed out and seem fine. They are now boxed, except the one in the picture which is on a table in my liveing room.

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A good way to dust off gel candles is to dip a piece of paper towel in mineral oil and then you can wipe it off. I would suggest doing that instead of water.

Thank you. That sounds like good advice. These silly little roses I doubt I would bother going through that much trouble, but I have one from my Daughter-Law that is wonderful.

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