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Really silly question for CP


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Following Robin's tutorial, I have a really silly question. Once the soap has been poured into the mold, you cover it and its supposed to gel. But the silly question is, how long do you keep it covered for? In the tutorial, she uncovered it because it was overheating, but, how long is long enough, and how long is too long?

Thanks for taking the time to read this.


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Thanks for coming to my rescue again.

My very first CP is in the mold and covered as I sit here. Thanks for letting me know how long.

I have it covered with a really thick towel, and a cutting board over the top of the box I am using for a mold. I did peek, and didn't see any signs of gel though. The lye and oils were really cool too. They did seem warmer when I was blending them together.

Again, thanks for the help. I never would have attempted this without the help of all here.


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Sometimes gel can be sneaky - sometimes you can see it starting in an hour, sometimes you think it never gels. It depends on your starting temperatures - if you were cool to begin with, gel might not start for awhile.

I always wait 24 hours for soaps (except for my stain stick) - by then they are firm and cool and I know it's OK to cut. Eventually you'll get a feel for timing.

And you do know posting a pic is a requirement, right? ;)

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I would post a pic of it in the mold, but I don't have a digital and it wouldn't be right to take one pic on a 36 shot roll. But as soon as I can cut it, I will scan it and post that. Would that be ok??

I am going to leave it all alone now and its covered and no one around to mess with it. Hopefully by tomorrow I will know if I have soap. :yay:

Thanks for the help!


(I did post a pic of one of my soaps!)

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There is no way that I couldn't peek! And it finally reached gel! Its almost all the way to the corners now.

The recipe was just 2.5 lbs

Cocoa butter 1.4

Coconut 11.1

Lard 11.4

Olive Oil 16

Hardness 42

Cleansing 19

Condition 52

Bubbly 19

Creamy 23

Iodine 53

INS 161

Hopefully it will turn out!


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