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A Lady Wants to Host a Party for Me.

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A woman who bought one of my candles wants to host a party for me/my candles. She loves the candle and loves the price. She is a candle lover. She wants me to bring all of my candles and tarts. She suggested that I get inexpensive tart warmers and put packages together. I did...I found nice one's at a discount store. She told me how to make brown paper bags look nice. I did this, too. I punched a whole in the top and I am going to tie a ribbon thru.

She is inviting 24 women. She is serving wine and cheese.

I told her that I don't have a lot of mark up on my goods. I charged $4 for a 4 oz hexagon jar. I charged $6 for a 6 oz salsa jar and my tarts are 2/$1. I found the tart warmers for $1.50 and I am packaging them as follows:

Tart warmer, 12 tarts, 6 tealights for $10.

I was wondering what is my obligation to this woman? Monetarily, speaking? I don't want to take advantage, she is serving 24 people, but I also don't want to give the candles away. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

PS- of course, this is very exciting and I am overjoyed that someone loves my candles.


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I used to pair up with a chandler and we did home parties, we would give a her 10% of sales towards her own purchase, plus a hostess gift. The gift usually had a value of $10.00 (in wholesale pricing). We would, during our presentation tell her guests what she receives, give her the gift and also let people know that if any of her guests choose to also host a party, she will receive an additional gift, AT the next party.

So, lets say the party brings in 500 of total sales, then she gets a 50 dollar credit towards her own purchase. If she loves your stuff so much, she'll be thrilled.

If I were you (I don't make candles) I would also include a little tulle wrapped tart or votive with a card inside for each guest, that way, if someone chooses not to order that night, and they take the freebie home, they may change their mind at a later time.

Good luck! Home parties are great money makers, but I really really hate them.

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