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Another Question,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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I have a good melt pool, 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Glass is clean and my wicks are not too hot. 99% of the time I think I have a good, if not great cold throw. And most of the fragrances I have tried I have had success. :D

But there has been the odd FO that has smelled really great until I lit it. And then nothing. Nada, zip, zilcho. Like the Gingerbread and the Columbian Coffee. From the cold throw I thought it would stink up the whole house (I have three floors).

Now is this because I didn't let it cure? At all. 24 hours that's it.

Or is it this wick thing I have read about? They have burned well, just no scent, or very little.

How can I tell if it's the wick I'm using or not? Should I try the same size wick from a different company? I presently have wicks from KY, C&S, and Wellington Fragrance.

The way I HAVE been testing my wicks (will pour a wickless one from now on) is I pour 4 different candles each with a different wick and pick the one that burns well. (I have an extensive wick collection).

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Let your candles cure awhile and then see what happens. If you're getting a good burn with a full melt pool then leave well enough alone!! It could be that it's not a FO that works well with soy? I have a few of them myself. Out of the bottle the FO is fabulous but when they are mixed with soy - they "suck" in plain English - no fragrance throw at all, have to stick your nose over the candle while they are burning.

Oh, the joys of candle making!:D

I do the same as you, I pour a wickless too just so I can see what the fragrance throw is like. Good job for a newbie!!

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