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Whipped Butter Separating?


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I can't get shea butter locally, so I decided to experiment with cocoa butter first, while I wait for my shipment of goodies from NZ.

I used about 50% cocoa butter and 50% soft oils (VCO, rice bran, grapeseed), whipped for about 30-45 mins, with a couple of 5-min freezer intervals, hand mixer with double beaters alternating between speeds 1-2. After a long time, I got a soft but creamy mixture with medium trace.

A few hours later it started to separate. From all that I've researched, I'd have thought it would get harder as it sets, but instead I now have very soft coconut-scented foam on top, and a thick layer of oils settled at the bottom.

Is this normal? I have a few guesses as to why this might happen, but if someone with experience could toss me a few pointers, that would be awesome. Not enough whipping, whipped at too low a speed or too little cocoa butter, maybe?

I live in Malaysia which has an average temperature of 21-32 degrees celsius with very high humidity, and I wonder if that may have affected it too.

Feedback would be excellent. :grin2:


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