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Has anyone seen these cute 16oz Platinum Jars?

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I love those and even at that price the cute factor is definitely right on with those. I am thinking about offering them only in my newest fragrances of the season or as a hostess gift/incentive for home parties....


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Not bad. I do go to the Walmart by my work and bought 8 of them to test before overly committing. Everyone here at work loves them.

I think they would be nice for home canned gifts as well. For anyone who does canning.....


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Well my walmart is completely out of these jars (when I got done) lol

I just like how they look for some reason. I guess once the canning season is over, I will have to find a new "look" other than the convenient canning jars.

I have looked around ALOT on line to buy jars but the shipping to TN is absolutely ridiculous. I am just a little home based friends, family and the referrals type candle maker. I can't afford the big pallets like the bigger candle makers can. :(

These are actually cheaper to buy than online because I don't have the astronomical shipping charges.

I will be using these for my glass glow palm candles mostly and some soy chunk chandles.

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Has anyone tested these jars yet? In particular with soy or a soy/cottonseed blend? I love the looks of these, but have had a heck of a time wicking these things.....I am testing with one of my tried and true fragrances....I have tried single wicking and double wicking....it seems with the double wicks they start out great, but then get very weak.....I have had the same with trying to single wick.....I have used CD's and even cdn's a tried both a htp1212 and 1312.....They are either too hot or just not enough..I thought a CD20 would work for me but after only a short time the wick started puffing the nasty black stuff.

This is a fragrance the burns beautifully in an 8oz square mason with a cd18, so I figured a 20 may be a good starting point and couldn't believe it when it started smoking.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has had luck or has any suggestions. Am thinking about re pouring and starting over.....


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