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cinni mini's - packaging and pricing


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I made a slew of hand rolled mini cinnamon buns out of salt dough, baked them and dipped them in scented wax. They look and smell awesome, but now I'm wondering how to package them and what to price them at.

I was thinking a mason jar with a domed top and some homespun. I have my potpourri in mason jars with a cloth top and I have candles in 8 oz jelly jars with a rust domed top. I was thinking this may be too much of a good thing. If anybody has any different ideas, please let me know.

I have also done some research and pricing, but am not sure on what everyone does that sells better and at what price? I have seen them in quantities of 8, 25 and 50 for all different prices. They are very cheap to make and aren't hard, but it is time consuming to hand roll them. You can get 8-10 in an 8 oz jj. and about 30 in a wide mouth quart mason jar.

I got about 8 in a 4x5 poly resealable bag.

Does anybody have any suggestions?

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Yes! I suggest you send me the recipe for your mini cinnis :D

I love your idea of puting them in the jars..I don't think it would be too much of a good thing, but I just love the look of the jars with the homespun. The only other idea I can think of would be the kraft bags with the bakery window on them.. it would depend how big they were I guess, but that might be a cute way to sell 'em!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Sharon,

Sorry for the delay. Here's the recipe I use:

2 cups of flour

1 cup of salt

1.5 cups of water

You can add molasses or you can add spices to add color (ie cinnamon)

You could also just dip it in colored wax.

Knead the dough and roll it out. Roll into a long tube like a snake. Then put it on the counter top and start rolling in the shape of a cinnabun. If it's too sticky, add more flour. You can use parchment paper to roll on.

Bake at 350 for an hour or so. Watch so they don't burn, but they will get golden brown on the bottom. Then I let them air dry overnight. Then you can melt your wax and color and dip away!! I use cinnabun scent too. The thing to remember is you need to get all the moisture out before dipping.

Happy rolling...;)

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