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Anyone have insurance w/Handcrafted Soap Makers Guild


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Yup, I've got it. And Jen is right, you've got to make and *sell* soap to get it, even though it does cover candles.

You can also get the same policy through the Indie Beauty Network (formerly the Handmade Beauty Network). I'm not familiar with their membership policies though.

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I have my insurance through the Indie Beauty Network. I was going to go with the Soap Guild but I e-mailed Madison Vanleeuwen at Stratus Insurance. She is the contact given for any questions about the insurance. She sent me this in reply. "We have put this program together for members of both the Soap Guild and the Indie Beauty Network. The coverage is the exact same for both associations, but 50% of your sales have to be soap if you are a member of the Soap Guild. Your products beyond soap will be covered under this policy". She referred me to the Indie Beauty Network since 50% of my sales are not soap.

I don't know what percentage of your products are soap but I thought I'd let you know just in case 1/2 of the products you sell aren't soaps. HTH

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That's weird because when I filled out the forms for the insurance through the guild, I didn't say 50 percent of my sales were soap. I answered all the questions on the form and paid so now I am confused...they aren't going to cover me if something happens because 50 percent of my sales aren't soap? Why would they take me money then for the insurance after I filled out the form saying that 90 percent of my sales was candles??? And how would they even know if something happened where your sales are from or if you make soap. I am really confused because I don't want to be paying for a policy that isn't covering me.:undecided

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I have the 2 mil coverage through the Indie Beauty Network. I think what they are saying is that the policies for both are the same which means you are covered, however for membership in the Soap Guild 50% of your sales should be soap. For the IBN membership it doesn't matter.

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From soapguild.org

What if I only make candles or cosmetics and not soap?

Well, this IS the Handcrafted SOAP Makers Guild. To qualify for membership you must make and sell handcrafted soap. It doesn't have to be any particular percentage of your total revenue, just so long as it is somewhere in your product line. Remember, however, that the other benefits of HSMG membership are geared towards soap making.

But then again

What if I sell other stuff and soaps are only a small part of my product line?

The insurance is for Soapmakers, so it's possible that the other part of your business might not be covered by the insurance policy. In this case it would be best to check with the insurance company first to see if you qualify for the insurance. If you DO then you could join and get the insurance; if you DON'T qualify, then you could get a waiver and join without the insurance.

I haven't seen the 50% reference either. I'd talk straight to the insurance people. Since it's the same policy, and it's just groups that are collecting premiums, why would the insurance company care? I'd think it would only be the group putting limits on their membership.

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I'm not sure why the insurance company would care what percentage of your sales are in soap. It doesn't make any sence to me. I didn't ask anymore questions after recieving the e-mail saying 50% of your sales have to be soap if you are a member of the Soap Guild. I'm not even sure if I took that statement right. Maybe she did just meant that in order to join the soap guild 50 % of your products need to be soap. :undecided

I just wanted to make sure everyone else was aware that it might be a possibility that they would not be covered. It's better to check with the insurance company yourselves to make sure you definately will be covered in the event you might actually need to use the insurance.

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The 50% figure is interesting, seeing as how their website reads as follows:

"What if I only make candles or cosmetics and not soap?

Well, this IS the Handcrafted SOAP Makers Guild. To qualify for membership you must make and sell handcrafted soap. It doesn't have to be any particular percentage of your total revenue, just so long as it is somewhere in your product line. "


Probably not worth bickering over if Indie will sell you the same policy, but it'd be nice to know which information is correct...

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I just talked to the insurance company a few days ago about covering a retail store.. they said merchandise I bought to resell was also covered. Never said anything about percentages of soap/candle. Soo, might be best to drop them an email or give them a call to make sure you are getting what you want.

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