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Blending Soy and Paraffin

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Everyone that blends soy and paraffin! I use Ecosoya Advanced and love everything about it, except the scent throw. I was thinking of adding some paraffin to it. If you were gonna add paraffin what kind/brand would everyone suggest. I know that everyone one has there favorite. But would like everyones opinion on what you think I should mix with it to get the strongest best throw.

Thanks for you help in advance!:smiley2:

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JMO but I would start with a 70/30 blend. Try the soy at 70% and order some IGI4627 (Comfort Blend) and use that at 30%. It has an awesome scent throw. I've blended it with a few different soy waxes. If you don't like that blend just keep experimenting with your percentages till you find what you are looking for. Some people think it's a mess to work with but once you figure it out it's not bad.

Right now I'm testing C-3 and not liking the long cure time so I'm experimenting adding another soy wax to it.


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I was adding the Comfort Blend to NG's joy wax because although it had a great hot throw...I felt the cold candle could have been stronger and it really helped. I was using it with the KY Perfect Blend wax too but changed my blend to the PB and a 50/50 parasoy. With both of those waxes/blends my cure time was anywhere from 24-48 hours for a great hot throw.

I'm finding with the C-3 some candles aren't throwing well till almost 2 weeks later and that is way too long for me. So I've been testing adding 30% of the Golden Brand 464 and so far cure time for a good hot throw is less than a week in what I've tested.

I am not familiar with the wax you are using but I do think adding 4627 should help with the throw and hopefully the cure time also.


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I have been blending the 4627 and GB 444 or 464 and have had great success with hot and cold throw. I have had one problem though....with some colors like brown or reds....there has been some weird discoloration that almost looks like frosting but more in the middle of the jars....it's hard to explain. I have been using a 50/50 blend. Has anyone had any weird color problems with a blend? I have been thinking about adding more 4627 and see if it helps. Adding the soy really helps with the wicking of this wax...I JUST WANT PERFECT! :)

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I have been blending the 4627 and GB 444 or 464 and have had great success with hot and cold throw. I have had one problem though....with some colors like brown or reds....there has been some weird discoloration that almost looks like frosting but more in the middle of the jars....it's hard to explain. I have been using a 50/50 blend. Has anyone had any weird color problems with a blend? I have been thinking about adding more 4627 and see if it helps. Adding the soy really helps with the wicking of this wax...I JUST WANT PERFECT! :)

I've had that happen too when I add dye. No frosting on the outside but once the candle cools down I'll see white spots through the middle. I poured 5 testers 2 weeks ago and the red candle (strawberry) has it and another candle I dyed to look like coffee with cream using a blend of coffee and creme brulee is completely frosted on the outside. 2 were poured without dye and the other one is butter pecan that I used a tiny bit of brown and yellow......it's perfect. These were all poured 70% C-3 and 30% 464.

I would try 70% 4627 and 30% 444 or 464. I really like the 464 by itself but don't want to pay all of that shipping or I would have continued using it. I can get the C-3 locally so I'll break down and order the other soy to add to it.


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Thanks! It's good to know someone else has seen this phenomenon! I just got my new Masterbuilt turkey fryer the other day and my wax order came in today!! I have put in 25 pounds of 4627 and 10 pounds of GB444 and will test this out. I may add more soy depending on how the red and browns do.

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