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Any good soy pillar recipes?

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And I don't mean "just get some ecosoya pilar wax" either. :D Obviously that's an option, but I've still got half a box of BG Plain 415 left, and I'd like to be able to use it for pillars. Sometimes it frosts like crazy when I use it for containers and sometimes it comes out nice and smooth with no frosting. Anyways, anyone have a recipe for making a pillar blend using just this wax? I don't want to mix it with other waxes, just additives. I've tried using veggie stearic + mold releasant and the wax just got stuck in the mold....

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I have never used any additives in my soy pillars. And although you don't want to add any other waxes, I must say, using beeswax is a HUGE advantage or using Palm wax is another option. The make the soy a little harder and cut WAY back on the frosting. Of the two, I prefer bees wax. Hope this helps.


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Thanks for the tips. :D Well, wifey decided that if we were going to add palm to the mix, then we might as well just make palm candles, as I've been wanting to do that for awhile now, just a matter of finding a decently-priced supplier. Beeswax though...a little too pricey for us, unfortunately...don't know of any place to get it at a price that our budget agrees with. :D

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