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i love the smell of soy candles and have been making them now for a few months. My problem is sometimes my candles crack a little , i let the soy cool down before pouing any suggestions?

You'll need to be more specific:

brand/supplier of wax

pour temp

using fragrance? Which? How much?

color? What type? How much?

What temp are you adding the color/FO?


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i love the smell of soy candles and have been making them now for a few months. My problem is sometimes my candles crack a little , i let the soy cool down before pouing any suggestions?

In general, a soy candle cracks because of uneven contraction due to dry air conditions. Many of us that use Beeswax in our soy have to use a little less in the winter so our candles don't crack. In the warmer months, when it might be more humid, we bump up the BW a little to keep the wax nice and hard. If you are using an additive such as BW or USA, you might back off of it by a percent.

Let us know the pertinent details of your candle wax and maybe we can be more specific :grin2:


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