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Any Suggestions with Wax from Tests

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I've listened to the advice given to me and have stayed away from my poured candles until they cure. I've got two more days to go!

Still trying to get one of my favorite scents to throw. But this is truly a hobby for me-never expected to get a candlemaking kit for Christmas and I'm enjoying it so much!

My kit came with 8 oz glass jars so I've been pouring in those.

Are there any suggestions as to what to do with the wax in those jars from the tests? They're all pretty much warm vanilla sugar and a few apple jack and peel and they do not have a throw. Just pretty.

Also, if you don't mind answering another question.

Since I will be making candles only for me to enjoy, I really only need tarts.

Should I start just trying to make my scent in a tart or would it be helpful for me to learn jar candles first and make my tarts even more enjoyable?

They don't have to have a mold (like the pretty fluted ones) since I burn them everyday. I think I'd like to have them in a pretty jar or something but the tarts does not have to be molded...if that makes sense? I was spending at least 100.00 purchasing tarts and I didn't even get that many:cry2: They are 1.99 ea at B B and Beyond. So, it's the perfect gift and I just love the thought of never being out again and having to do without because I don't have any money. Sorry for rambling on.

I think I read that I could use mini muffin pans for making tarts? That sounds ideal. Again, it's a new hobby but I certainly do not have the money to spend on so many supplies for testing. I would be happy just to be able to have on hand at all times my three favorite scents.

And advice for me? Thank you.

P.S. I use regular tart burners that uses the tea lites.

I tried to post a picture of how I'm doing, but I don't think the system will let me right now. Maybe because I'm a wax drip?

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Are you sold on having to use soy wax. I would suggest a 50/50 blend votive/tart/pillar wax to start. Try to find a supplier close to you to save on shipping. You can always play around with adding different blends after you've gotten a little bit more practice. Tarts are a good way to start off. You don't have to worry about wicking issues. You can use many things for tart molds. Since you like BBB they have tart molds in their kitchen section that you can use if you want something a bit more different, or yes, muffin tins work well too. You can become very creative with tarts, or they can be simple. I would suggest trying a different scent that is not vanilla, since it seems you may have problems incorporating it into wax--it has to be at the right temperature and you have to blend it really, really well.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email.

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first off did you let your jar candles cure, and what kind of wax did you use? Also where did your kit come from? And yes you can make tarts out of mini pans just make sure you use a votive/tart wax.

Hope this helps.


Unfortunately, not the first few I poured. Each one pound of wax that came in the kit makes 3 little 8 oz jars, I believe. After I received the advice from members here, my fourth pour is now curing. I can test them on Monday. But because each "pour" is 3 jars worth, I have a bunch of unscented wax. Not sure what to do with it?

My kit came from Lone Star Candle. it was a Christmas gift and no, I'm not really sold on soy, but that's what came with the kit. I would rather make tarts to enjoy.

debscent, I actually went to BBB tonight. Purchased more tart candles until I get better. I found a silicone mini muffin pan.

Then, I went to Target and they had a scale that I can use to measure with and I found silicone heart shaped muffin pans in two sizes I think will be perfect for tarts!

Also found cello bags in the gift department. So if by chance one of my pours turns out great, I'll have something to store them in! But what do I do with jars sitting around now with all the wax in them? Is it waste? I'm looking forward to ordering 50/50 blend votive wax. Thanks!

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I'm going to email you!

My tarts are throwing hot and cold!!

I burned one in just one tart burner after it cooled without curing and it filled up the entire room with scent.

I want to share with you what I did. I'm a little confused as to why it worked as well as it is because of a mixture of wax I used and wanted to get your opinion as to whether it's appropriate to post about the experience.

Please look for my email. I'll put in subject line Warm Vanilla.

Thank you!

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