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Insurance question...help!!


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Good morning all,

I'm on a hunt today to find some insurance...any suggestions on a good carrier would be highly appreciated. I have called a few companies but their premiums are too high for me at the moment ($2,000-$2,900) a year is the cheapest. I'm trying to sell my candles but I'm affraid of doing this without the proper ins. All the testing on the candles are done:bliss: finally!!

Now the nightmare continues on the insurance:undecided , Help!

Any sugestions? Who to call? What would I need?

Thank you in advance.


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depends on what you make soap or candles and soap you can go through the soap makers guild (?), just candles you can go through the handmade beauty network. its like $516 a year

your best bet is to utilize the search feature on this board. just type in insurance and you will find the answer to just about every question you have

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