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Peaks Aqua Dye Chips

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Does anyone else have trouble burning when using these chips? I read an earlier post about someone having the same problem as me but in tins. They Completly clog the wicks in my 4045H and J223(half a chip pp). I've tried 5 different scents that I have properly wicked, just with different colors. Poured some with Aqua, and every single one tunneled and drowned out. Anyway, I'm wondering if I maybe got a bad batch and should reorder some more and try again. Its such a beautiful shade! Can Anyone out there reccomend a similar color from another supplier. A light Aqua, in chips or liquid. I cant seem to find one that gives the same color as peaks. Thanks!

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I'm sorry I can't recommend a different supplier but just wanted to let you know I have had the same problem with Aqua. I used it once and it totally clogged the wick. If I use it now I use it in very small amounts for a light aqua. I just make candles as a hobby so I don't "have" to have aqua.

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I used Aqua dye chips but purchased them from BCN. I was making 6oz tins and was pulling my hair out trying to wick them. After changing dye color (to something other than Aqua), the wicking went fine. So, yes...bottom line...the Aqua dye chip WAS clogging the wicks.

I would recommend going to Cierra Candles and taking a look at their color chart. Here's the link:


....scroll down this page to view their color chart. It's the best one I've found, so far. Perhaps there are a couple of colors in their that might work for you instead of Aqua.



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