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Pic of my 1st Craft Fair!


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Wow....I did it...my 1st craft fair. I decided to try at least one fair this season just to get the feel for it. I had mostly wickless candles as I only have a few jars wicked with a few fo's that I'm totally confident to offer for sale. It was a local church fair and it was their first year offering the fair, I felt safe with this as I didn't want to be overwhelmed with a large crowd. I wasn't expecting to sell much at all but I did end up doing 4x table fee...:cheesy2: Set table up by myself had no idea if it looked ok or not...lol

All in all it was fun and got some good inside info on other local fairs from the table next to me. I was the only one there selling candles but there was a ton of jewlery ladies there. Did well with most Christmas scents and small 3.7 Tureens people thought they were cute! So here is a pic of my table let me know what ya think...:wink2:

BTW....I handed out a lot of free tea lights with a brochure about my candles and did a lot of chatting with folks who came to my table...I think it really made a difference! One lady invited me to do a craft fair that she was promoting and one of the jewelry guys asked me if he could put my candles on his website...thought that was kinda odd since it only has jewlery on it:confused:

<center><font face="verdana" size="1"><a href="http://www.myeasypics.com/is.php?i=231735&img=craft_fair_table.jpg" target="_new"><img

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Looks really good! Also wanted to say "hi" from a fellow Floridian! I am from Okeechobee and noticed that you were in South Florida. I am glad that you did well. I am currently in South Tampa and not liking it, let me tell ya. Way to go!


Hey Lori...good to meet a fellow Fellow Floridian. My brother lives in Okeechobee, I'm in Palm Beach County. I have never been to Tampa, sorry to hear you are not liking it.

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