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Is this true??


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This is taken off of an ebay store selling soy candles- they are claiming and I quote :

No claims here just facts: I use 100% ALL NATURAL SOY - Vegetable Wax or Soy/Wax blends and the strongest undiluted premium quality fragrances available on the market...I DO NOT USE ZINC CORE WICKS because ALL ZINC CORE WICKS contain small amounts of LEAD and produce black thick soot that contribute to indoor pollution so when you buy one of my candles you can rest assure that you and your family won't be breathing ANY LEAD AT ALL.

Now last time I checked (and I use zinc just like many others here) zinc does not contain the word lead. Unless I'm retarded or something? Can someone please help here? This isn't true right? It's just a marketing ploy?

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