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**Who are the main fragrance oil suppliers?**

karen lynn

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With soooooo many suppliers of fragrance oils,have you ever wondered who the MAIN suppliers are that these little suppliers buy their fragrance oils from??That way we could all be sure we are getting what we are actually paying for..Some of these suppliers do have some great oils but where do they come from to start with?I know they are purchasing them from somewhere..I have tried Lebermuths oils but some don't work too well in soy wax for me but most smell pretty good OOB..If we could figure this out we could order straight from the manufacturers,although they probably have a minimum order for purchasing...Anyone know who some of these manufacturers are??

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It doesn't matter who the manufacturer is. Good suppliers have their own scents formulated especially for them. They test them in-house before ever putting them out for sale. A supplier might go through several forumulations before selecting the one they ultimately choose. At that point, the manufacturer can not sell that specific formula to any other supplier.

In a nutshell, even scents with the exact same name can vary widely from supplier to supplier. You will never get a manufacturer to duplicate that formula for yourself.

Unfortunately, there are a handful of suppliers who never do their own testing, or perhaps worse, have their minions and mouths test for them, in the hopes of getting more and more freebies. We know who they are.

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