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Need help with different brands of wicks.

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So far the only type of wicks that I have used is Zinc core wicks to make my container candles. They always mushroom bad and I have heard that other brands of wicks won't do this as bad. I use J223, 4786, and 4627 to make all my container candles. What is a good brand of wick to use? I was thinking of trying the HTP wicks.

Thanks for any advice you guys have to offer.

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Yup...I always hated those wicks too. They do mushroom like crazy, not to mention the unsightly zinc wire that remains as it burns down...I stopped using those very early on. I use a number of different wicks, all which are good, although some will differ with the different types of waxes and fo you use. So...you've got to test them as you go. What I like to use are LX, CDs or HTPs and the occassional RRDs. Get some sample packs and check them out. You won't know whether you like them or not until you've tested each type. Good luck!

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Guest amynleebishop
So far the only type of wicks that I have used is Zinc core wicks to make my container candles. They always mushroom bad and I have heard that other brands of wicks won't do this as bad. I use J223, 4786, and 4627 to make all my container candles. What is a good brand of wick to use? I was thinking of trying the HTP wicks.

Thanks for any advice you guys have to offer.

I love the Heinz Core (CD's) they work really well with the J223 and the 4630.

I also use zinc sometimes because it has a cleaner burn and there can be mushrooming if the wick is too big, I dont have that problem very often. Candlewic is great about sending about samples (free).

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