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Questions and help on starting to make soy candles

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I am very interested in making candles. I would like to try the soy candles. Can anyone recommend the best type of soy and how to get started with making candles and possibley going into busiiness selling them. I would like a line of soaps and candles. Me and my daughters would do this together as a family project any help would be appreciated. Also do anyone know is there laws within the state on selling things like candles.

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First off, Welcome to the board.

I would recommend finding a supplier nearest you to try to save on shipping (it can be a killer) and buying a starter kit and going from there. There are many different types of soy out there and everyone has their own personal favorite. Soy can be a bear to work with so whatever soy you choose will have its issues and you just learn to work around it. Also, make sure to do lots or reading in the natural section. You will find alot of info on different soys, wicks, jars, additives etc.

You might want to post this in the natural section too for other respones.

Have fun!

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