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Best dyes available??

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I have the same problem as many (or at least some) of you to get my candles black. Also I need quite a lot of my color blocks (one block for 15 lbs of wax? No no, not in my soy!!). So, please tell me: which are the really good dyes out there and where do I get them? Are Bittercreeks Dye Flakes okay?

Thanks for helping!!;)

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Remember, dye starts as a powder. So when you see a "solid" "cube" type dye, that is a powder that is blended with wax. So you're not getting "pure" dye. But you are getting an easy way to measure.

Liquid dye (mostly) is the same story, it is a powder that is suspended in a "carrier" that is then blended.

Powder dye, provided it is not cut with anything is the real-deal. Basic quality can be found @ pourette, and then the dye houses (google) can turn you on to the hard-core stuff. I can tell you that Pourette is just fine for 90% of the applications you can think of. Just remember that too much dye *can* clog a wick... so testing isn't always a bad idea with dark dark colors.

Good Luck.

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