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can someone expain the math to me


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Hi everyone, me and math have never been good friends :) Can someone tell me if this is even close to being right for making body spray. From what Iv read you mix cyclo with fo 6-1, that gives you 7 oz.. if you wanted to make 4 oz would 3 1/4 - 3/4 about even with the 6-1 ratio? Dont laugh:cheesy2: I meant it when I couldnt do math I tried till 12:00 last night to figure out that much.lol. TIA

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Pretty close. You want to have a total of 4 oz, made up of 7 parts (6 cyclo: 1 FO).

First, figure out how much a part is: 4 oz/7 = .57 oz

Then, your 6 parts of cyclo will be 6 * .57 = 3.4 oz

And your 1 part of FO will be 1 * .57 = .57 oz

I'd probably make it 3.5 cyclo and .5 FO - yours would be a little stronger.

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i posted this on the BC board, thought it'd help ya:

it depends on the size...whatever it is, break it down to 7 parts.

example : for a 2 ounce total weight - 2.0 divide by 7 = approx .28 per part.

so you would use .28 fo and the rest is cyclo.

2 oz dry oil spray - .28 oz fo

4 oz dry oil spray - .57 oz fo

6 oz dry oil spray- .85 oz fo

8 oz dry oil spray - 1.14 oz fo

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I just made my cyclo spray:

2 oz Cyclo

2 ox SAO

1/2 oz FO

When I sprayed it on my arm to test it, it worked great, but I think there is just too much FO in there. To me, it seems really strong so I'm going to cut it by adding another 4 oz (2 cyclo/2 sao), then see what I think.

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