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the candle source scents for cp soap.


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i ordered 15 4 oz bottles from the candle source for making soap.i never have ordered scents just for soap i always used my candle scents.they smell really nice but they seem way to light.i no some of the scents i have that i tried in candles that are to light for candles worked good in soap. but has any one used the scents from there in soap or lotion.they are a lot lighter than i thought they would be.i read a thread ware they said the candle source was allot like candlechem but there scents are a lot stronger.i have several soap molds for cp soap. has any tried to split soap into several smaller amounts. after getting every thing mixed in.or will it get to thick to mix the scent in.i just do not think these scents will be strong enough for cp soap.i would rather not waste a 3 lb batch witch is what i make.

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I have never ordered scents from either of those two places you mention. Just so long as they are body safe, they should be fine for soap. Some scents just don't hold up all that well in CP. It's a sort of trial and error thing. Some you don't smell at all, but some will come back after a week or two of curing.

You can divide up your soap after it has come to a light trace, but depending upon your formula that period of time between light trace and full trace can sometimes be awfully fast! Most of the time I add my FO or EO while using the stick blender. I don't know how many times I wanted to swirl my soap, only to find I barely had time to get my soap into the molds before it started to harden. Good luck!

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Hi lbtddr! I need to chime in here after reading you post. I emiled candlechem the other day specifically wanting to know if their FO'S are B & B safe. The answer i recieved back was "NO" they are NOT B & B safe! I have dealt with arnie many times and he has always been very helpful in answering any question i have, and in a timely manner.. Just a heads up on this for you. If when in doubt send an email to the company, I'm sure they will get back with you, but i have found it's better to be safe then sorry! ;)

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thanks for the information. i tried the candle source four of them. even if they turn out i do not think i will add them. but guess i will see witch one i like best and try to order it from some ware else.the winner for the teens i know is fantasy-Brittany spears.guess i will have to do a search to see who else cares this scent. wonted to do body spray and soap in the scent i picked out. sweet pea seems to be what the older people i know chose. i have got to get a sandalwood for candles. i love this scent it is a shame that there scents was not stronger. it is a shame that candlechems scents are not b&b safe they do have some good scents.love there vanilla sugar.

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See, that's odd. I've used candlechem many times and always rec'd the ...yes they're body safe, unless they're spicey fragrances. They are not.

I wonder if they've changed their response? I've soaped some too just fine without any reaction, but its been awhile.

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