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6006 and wick???

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I love this 6006 but I can't seem to get it wicked right. I gave up on the 8 oz regular jelly jars(really wanted larger opening anyway), bought some 8 oz round jars and 16 oz round jars from Wick's Wares. I tested both in a few scents with CD's and zincs and could not get them single wicked. I am really not liking the CD wicks right now. They seem to burn down more rather than out. I can't even get a full melt pool with a cD14 in the 8 oz round which is about 2-7/8 in diameter at the widest portion. I have gotten one scent to wick right in the 8 oz with an HTP 105. Anyway, sorry to ramble, I just ordered some 12 oz and 16 oz salsa jars which are, if I remember correctly, ar both about 3.5 inch in diameter. Should I double wick these? And would maybe start with 2-HTP-73's or maybe 2-CD-8's? I just need a starting point with these jars. I am still working on the 8 oz rounds. I am getting awesome throw with the CD's but they won't burn right for me. Test, Test, Test. Gotta love IT. Thanks in advance for any info you can give me to try and start with.

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6006 is my wax of choice, and I use zinc core with great sucess. I only double wick on really wide mouth containers or if requested by a customer. For my wider mouth 8 oz (square mason) I use the 55-32-18, but on the 8 oz. smooth sided jelly jar I use the 44-32-18. On the larger containers I use the 60-44-18. I find the size recommendations for wicks at WSP are usually pretty accurate. HTH!

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