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Film on wax

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Hi everyone. So, I've been reading here for a while now, just learning as much as I can. I have a bit of a problem maybe you can help me with. I noticed while pouring some test tarts using different blends of ecosoya pb and gb 464, that I was getting a film on top of the melted wax while mixing and after poured. At first I thought it was either from the coconut oil or the FO that was added, even though they were added at around 175 degrees. So, I decided to do a batch of wax without coconut oil or FO and it still has the film on it, so it's obviously not too much oil. Any idea what might be causing this? It has happened with both 50/50 blends of the 2 waxes and 75/25 (75 being the ecosoya).

Ignore the light reflection in the wax. Without the light on, the film didn't show up in the picture. Thank you for any help you can offer on this.


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I have never actually seen that... :( How long are you stirring your FO? At what temp are you pouring? Makes me wonder if it's some type of residue in the clamshell. Have you poured into a different container (I see the little cups in the picture)...if so do you get the film in the other containers?

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There is no FO in the batch in that picture, but when I use it, I stir it for at least 2 minutes, if not longer and that batch was poured at 150. The residue is present while in the pyrex measuring cup that I mix in, also, which I know was very clean and dry. Also, yes the film is present on the top of the ones in the cups, as well. I'm really stumped on this. I've never seen it when using straight 464 for all the years I have been doing containers, so I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the ecosoya pb.

Another thing that baffles me is that, while I had some cracking with the 50/50 blend (and even more with the 50/50 plus the addition of 1/2 tsp coconut oil), I had NO cracking with the 75/25 blend. I would have thought that adding more of the harder wax would have created a bigger cracking issue.

Edited by shakti75
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  • 3 weeks later...

I use ecosoya CB and see that on the top of my wax before I pour and also on the surface of the candle while it's cooling. I always just assumed it was the wax starting to cool and harden because it never left any strange appearance after the candle was completely cooled. And, I only notice it when the wax starts to get close to my pouring temperature (105ish).


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Mine leaves a horrible frosty look on the wax once it cools, in the same pattern as what the film is while still liquid. I have tried many different temps for both heating the wax up to and for pouring and keep getting the same results. Maybe it's just a bad batch of wax.

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Have you tried covering them while they cool? I poured some tarts this afternoon with ecosoya PB blend and I got the same thing. It doesn't leave frosting on my container candles though and I had some of those cooling at the same time. I'm going to try to get to another tart batch tonight and try covering them this time..

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Well, I don't have very conclusive results for you...the last tarts I poured were Cucumber Melon with 70% ecosoya CB/30% ecosoya PB and they frosted horribly. This time I poured it with 50/50 and used Amish Harvest and Pink Sugar. They look beautiful so far. I covered one from each FO and there is no difference in the covered vs uncovered except for a very small frosting spot on one of the uncovered Amish Harvest. And I did notice the film on the tops while they were cooling. In my case, I think the added PB helped or it was just the Cucumber Melon FO that was giving me problems. I had other issues with CM in my container wax today...

Sorry that's not a ton of help...

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