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My candle vs 8 Yankees

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I have 8 yankee candles lit throughout my house right now, been going for an hour, but all I can smell is my one little 8oz tester candle, that is a room away in the kitchen. Makes me proud! **sheds a little tear**

I'm very new to candle making, only started about a month ago after buying 3 candles from a chandler at a local festival that had NO SCENT at all, and I figured "Hey, I could do this myself and make them exactly how I like em!"

Obviously I'm not testing for heat throw in my little candle seeing as how I'm also burning a bunch of Yankees, (trying to burn off what I've got left) but I must be doing something right! Still trying to figure out wicking.

I absolutely LOVE candles, and had probably spent literally thousands on Yankees before I decided to start making my own, and I'm so glad I did! How much fun is this candle making business?! Btw, I'm new here and have spent hours a plenty stalking this forum before joining, and I want to say a big THANK YOU to all you wonderful people for what you do and the help you give! I'm a bit tired and getting off topic, I'll pipe down now...:rolleyes2

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Welcome to our nut house. It's well lit and smells great! :laugh2:

But seriously. This "hobby" does make you a little crazy after awhile. I was at a wedding a few months back and my husband JUST HAD to bring up the fact that the candles burning on the table "looked weird", so that opened the door for me to discuss what was wrong with them and how the wicks didn't work.

They were commercial pressed paraffin, votives and tealights and one pillar. Cheappy Cheap and severely underwicked. The tea light burned great, as a tealight should.

A woman at the other side of our table (we kept our voices low, but I guess she could hear me) came up to me and said that she had no idea candles were so complicated. She thought they were some "wax stuff and string." I smiled and said they were science and art and my husband had a great laugh.

....wax stuff and string.....:rolleyes2

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