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Posts posted by Edge352

  1. Thanks beth for the input, I agree starting a business isn't the cheapest by anymeans. I guess I meant compared to the majority of things you could possibly pursue. I'm a fulltime firefighter for the state and am always trying to get things going on the side. I currently do leather tooling custom orders like wallets, bible covers, belts, etc... But with most things"custom" people do not want to pay the extra dollar, so more or less it has turned into a hobby. lol. I just thought this would be a fun craft and maybe a potential to earn a little dollar or two... But I do understand where your coming from, any one else?



  2. Howdy,

    Just joined the forum and wanted to ask a few questions and learn. I may throw an odd ball at the majority of you when I say I'm a 21 yr old male looking to get into candle making. :lipsrseal lol.

    The reasoning... I would be lieing if I said it was only because I am interesting in making them for my own personal use. Hopfully I don't come off in a negative/rude manner when I say I'm always looking to start a new small at home business. I have a few school loans currently trying to be paid off and going through more as I type, Not too mention a girlfriend of 4 years dreaming daily of an engagment ring, that I can not provide with my current income... :sad2: So, yes I would like to eventually make candles at home and start a small business. I've looked at several options but I beleive this is my best bet for a "at home/cheapest" route to start. I'm VERY excited for a lot of my female friends and family love candles! so worst case.... I can just make some for gifts, which would be fine. I've been scouting around on the internet the past couple weeks looking for a descent starter kit, and wondered what you guys (gals) thought of this... http://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Complete-Soy-Wax-Container-Candle-Making-Kit-Candle-Making-Supplies-/120965356043?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c2a18da0b

    pros? cons? recommend something different?

    I appreciate ALL .02 good and bad, and apologize if this is in the wrong area. Just looking for some feedback. Thank you all for future input and hope I can share my experiences with you guys along the way!


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