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Posts posted by Candler

  1. Hi there,

    I was hoping someone here could be able to help me. I've recently started making gel candles and the zinc core wicks I have mushroom at the top, aren't self trimming and when the candle is blown out the post sooting is disgusting.

    I don't feel comfortable selling these candles to my customers. I was hoping someone could suggest what type of wicks I use. I was looking at getting a pack of all different types of wicks, that are compatible with gel, to try out and see which one I liked and fit my requirements. Which online gel candle supplies store offers this?

    Being from New Zealand Gel candles don't exactly exist here. Everyone seems to be doing ONLY soy candles. Therefore, going to a local candle supply store for some gel supplies (+advise) isn't going to happen, forced to online shop forever. Which is fine, but finding the answers to my questions are a little bit more challenging.

    I make gel candles in mainly wine, martini, beer and jar glasses.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. I recently bought gel wax and with this the lady gave me gel candles she had made. The problem is when I burn it the wick drowns after the first 30 - 40 minutes.

    Why is this happening?

    I've narrowed it down to 1 possible reason! The wax is too soft. I know the wick is correct, because I've done quite a bit of research, however I don't know if it was properly coated or not.

    I think the wax is low density, I've asked her and she could give me no information on this.

    What can I do harden the wax? I've searched every where but can't seem to find gel candle additives or anything for that fact.

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