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Posts posted by junored

  1. I hope I have this in the correct section. I have stopped making candles and tarts. I noticed a pattern of sinus infections after I spent time making candles. I was doing it in my basement so I didn't have to have everything in my living space. I do not have windows or a door in my basement. I am wondering if it is a ventilation problem. Any comments are appreciated. Thanks

  2. Hello everyone...I feel a little lost here. I have been away for most of the year. I just can't seem to want to get back to candle making. People at work ask me about it a lot, but I seem to have lost interest. I think its due to some of the suppliers I was using closing. It gets discouraging. I miss it, but it seems like I am starting from scratch, due to having to search for new suppliers and some are pretty far away from me. I really need some motivation!!! :embarasse

  3. After taking 6+ months off from candle making, I have come back to find that KY Candle Wax is out of business. I live in KY so this was great for me.

    I was using their Tart Wax (can't think of name of it now, have to look later). If you know the kind I am talking about..Great!!!

    Problem....Supplier to get replacement from. Suggestions are greatly appreciated.


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