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Posts posted by kimberly_hackbarth

  1. Just tought I would update - The woman is real alright she placed a huge order and 2 days later wondered why she hadn't received it. She called me at home twice, left me 2 e-mails and commented on my Facebook page. I just hate it when people do not read my terms and turn around time and go frantic because their order does not magically appear in front of them right away.

    I shouldn't complain business is business...

    You are completely right. A lot of people just expect to get their orders the next day. They never take a minute to read what is on the website. All you can do is nicely explain that in your terms it stated the turn around time.

  2. Yup, I have everything needed. As for molds, I have a 3in pillar and for wick I was planning on using a zinc core which says it works for 2-3in candles. I just wanted to see other thoughts on what might work best for temps.

    I figure i will use up this wax and then move on to better things. I have been looking up a lot of products i would love to try from peak and candlescience.

  3. I have to say this site has more information then I found on lots of multiple other websites. It is so nice to hear people's first hand experience and comments. Also to see how friendly everyone is and helpful when someone has a question or got 'stuck' along their way. Before I started reading on this site i had NO idea the difference of the temp of the wax for melting, adding color/scent, pouring can make. But the more i learn the more excited i am to try out these techniques!

  4. Hello, My name is Kimberly. I have been reading threads on here for over a month now and figured i might as well introduce myself. I live in Wisconsin and currently have gotten my feet a little wet in the candle making hobby. I remember when i was younger my mother use to make candles but the hobby is NOTHING like i remember. Which is good though, since i am up for the challenge!

    I guess my appeal for candles come from two places. First I have to admit i might be a little pyro, fire has always fascinated me. But more so, i LOVE having the house filled with scents. So the two combined is very calming.

    Currently i just have some supplies from the local craft store. It is enough for now so i can keep occupied until i read and learn more. I figure once i use up the stuff i have i can go in the right direction with my candles!

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